Baldwinsville residents are reacting to the confirmed decision by the school board to pay the rest of former superintendent Jason Thomson’s salary.
JAKE MOREL: Tempers flared at last night’s meeting, as captured by cameras for the Baldwinsville public access t-v channel…
(Baldwinsville Public Access TV booing sound)
Residents showed dismay last night as the Baldwinsville school board confirmed that former superintendent Jason Thomson will make the rest of this full salary until this summer. Thomson has already made fifty-eight thousand dollars since being suspended for a DUI back in October. Michael Cobb, a B-ville resident says that Thomson is essentially getting away with a crime.MICHAEL COBB: “I do not agree with getting away with everything when you have a DUI”
MOREL: Fallon Mills, another B-ville resident, says it’s now more about the board than the case.
FALLON MILLS: “I think a lot of the community wants a lot of the board members taken off, and I think they’re fighting for that and showing up at board meetings now”
MOREL: Mills, who is a mother of a student who is about to enter the district, thinks the board members are disconnected from what the community wants.
MILLS: “They’re not taking the community’s views into their view, they’re not really caring, in our point of view they’re not caring about the community or what’s best for the students”
MOREL: Jake Morel, NCC News.
BALDWINSVILLE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Baldwinsville residents are angry this morning following a school board meeting that confirmed that the district will pay former superintendent Jason Thomson the rest of his salary. Thomson resigned as superintendent after crowd surfing over students at a football game and driving under the influence of alcohol in October.
The former superintendent has already made over $58,000 since being suspended, and will continue to be paid the rest of his $203,056 yearly salary until June 30.
Baldwinsville resident Fallon Mills said it’s the wrong decision. “I think it’s insane, and I think it’s insane that we brought in a whole other person that’s getting a high income as well, especially when that’s taxpayer money,” said Mills.
Mills, who is a mother of a child who is about to enter the district, said the town is becoming more concerned with the school board throughout the course of the scandal.
“I think a lot of the community wants a lot of the board members taken off, and I think they’re fighting for that and showing up at board meetings now,” said Mills. “They’re not taking the community’s views into their view, they’re not really caring, in our point of view they’re not caring about the community or what’s best for the students.”
The Baldwinsville school board has appointed Katheleen Davis as the acting superintendent for the time being.