Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
CNY voters react to Brandon Williams’ loss in 2024 NY-22 Representative election.
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: State Senator John Mannion elected as next New York-22 Representative

Lauren Holdmeyer: Election night in Central New York wasn’t just about electing the next president of the United States – it was also a chance to choose the next congressman for NY-22. The candidates, John Mannion and Brandon Williams, have each been campaigning for months leading up to this election. Supporters of Williams, the current congressman for NY-22 gathered to rally behind him. 

Bill Camperlino: He’s a factual guy, and I like the way he answers questions. They’re direct, he seems to be in command of the facts, and I like his conclusions. 

Henry Windus: What he’s done working with both parties in Congress, especially under President Biden right now. 

Holdmeyer: Even with a turnout of passionate supporters, Senator Mannion defeated Congressman Williams early in the night, about two hours after polls closed. Mannion, knowing the challenges ahead, says he’s ready to face them. 

John Mannion: But we have to all work together to do this. We are a divided country. We must unite, and I’m committed to doing that. 

Holdmeyer: Now, the only time we heard from Williams tonight was briefly after Mannion declared his victory. However, his supporters were here and optimistic throughout the entirety of the evening. 

Windus: We want to see our hard work pay off, we want to make a difference in our community, we want our values to be shown. 

Holdmeyer: Williams thanking his supporters at the end of the night… 

Brandon Williams: The feeling that we have is one of just incredible appreciation for the incredible honor, the distinct honor of serving in Congress and serving this community. 

Holdmeyer: And leaving them with one final thought… 

Williams: I just, next time, they’ve got to get a better candidate. I don’t know what to tell you. 

Holdmeyer: In Central New York, Lauren Holdmeyer, NCC News.  

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) — On Election Day 2024, Central New York had not only the opportunity to elect the next president of the United States, but also the chance to choose its next NY-22 representative. This year, CNY elected John Mannion, who is a Democratic New York state senator, over the current NY-22 representative, Brandon Williams.

Prior to the race being projected, which happened around 11 o’clock on Tuesday night, supporters at both campaign parties were feeling hopeful and optimistic. Several voters at Rep. Williams’ party were confident in his chances of winning and felt he’d continue to deliver results for CNY.

“He’s a factual guy, and I like the way he answers questions. They’re direct, he seems to be in command of the facts, and I like his conclusions,” said Bill Camperlino, an Onondaga County resident who voted for Williams this election.

Williams knew that reelection in 2024 would not be easy due to the recent redistricting of New York’s 22nd congressional district. District 22, which was redrawn earlier this year, included major changes to Oneida, Cortland and Cayuga counties. The redrawn district created favorable chances for NY-22 to elect a Democratic representative come Election Day 2024.

The race was projected for Sen. Mannion just two hours after polls closed in New York state. Mannion quickly addressed the room as the newly elected NY-22 Representative and said he was looking forward to getting started.

“But we have to all work together to do this. We are a divided country,” Mannion said. “We must unite, and I’m committed to doing that.”

Shortly after, Williams called to concede to Mannion and thanked his supporters for their generosity over his time serving as NY-22 Representative.