Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
Greek or Treat- Lucy Vulgamore
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: ‘Greek or Treat’ event opens up Syracuse campus to children in the city

Lucy Vulgamore: It’s Halloween in Central New York, and what could possibly be spookier than sorority girls? This year, the Syracuse University Panhellenic community, along with the Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Office, is hosting its 19th annual “Greek or Treat” event for the children of Syracuse. There’s games to play, costumes to wear, and of course, endless candy. 

Vulgamore: What many don’t realize is the impact “Greek or Treat” has on the broader community. For many children, this serves as their chance to enjoy the trick or treating experience in a safe environment. McKenna Doak is the President of SU’s Panhellenic Association. She says that the reward from giving back outweighs the stress of her position.

McKenna Doak: We send out an invite to the youth agencies every year, and it’s youth agencies that are for kids with disabilities, kids in like the police academy sport program, or even like after school programs. And it fosters, like kids, like all the youth agencies we reach out to, like it’s kids from all different backgrounds, different accessibilities. It’s just a way to include every child in the community.

Vulgamore: In the wake of several fraternity scandals coming to light at SU, the Greek community needs a uniting point. SU sorority member Annie Johnson says that giving back to the city makes her feel closer to other sorority chapters.

Annie Johnson: I thought it was pretty special for greek life to set up something like this, because we’re college students and mostly kids our age wouldn’t really necessarily care about something like little kids trick or treating, but I think it’s such a great cause and a lot of people showed up so it was really special.

Vulgamore: “Greek or Treat” is open to the public today from 3-4 p.m. on SU campus. Reporting for NCC News, I’m Lucy Vulgamore.

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) — Syracuse University’s Panhellenic Council, with assistance from the Fraternity and Sorority Affairs office, held its 19th annual “Greek or Treat” event on campus this Wednesday afternoon. “Greek or Treat” invites kids from all over the city to play games, enjoy bouncy houses and catering, and of course, eat lots of candy. Members of Panhellenic sororities serve as volunteers for the event.

This year, planning for “Greek or Treat” was spearheaded by the Panhellenic Council. President of the Panhellenic Council, McKenna Doak, said that the stress of her job is outweighed by the rewards from giving back to the community.

“We send out an invite to the youth agencies every year, and it’s youth agencies that are for kids with disabilities, kids in the police academy sport program or even after school programs,” said Doak. “It’s kids from all different backgrounds, different accessibilities. It’s just a way to include every child in the community.”

Annie Johnson, an SU sophomore and member of Gamma Phi Beta, volunteered for the event. She said that she felt the event brought her closer to other sorority chapters. 

“I thought it was pretty special for Greek life to set up something like this,” said Johnson. “I think it’s such a great cause, and a lot of people showed up so it was really special.”