Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

A popular artist has returned to Cazenovia to showcase her artwork at the Cazenovia Artisans Gallery. Artist Daphne Verley is the gallery’s featured artist this month. Her exhibit, Terra Firma, is on display all month.


Artist Daphne Verley is the featured artist this month at Cazenovia Artisans Gallery.
Vice President of the gallery DeeAnn VonHunke says the exhibit officially opened yesterday and will run until August 31st.
She says she expects the gallery to be quite busy this month as Verley is known for her unique artwork, inspired by women.

VonHunke: Her personality is reflected in her work. It’s colourful, it sparkles, it is just so amazing.

Cazenovia resident Sue Brown says she couldn’t miss Verley’s exhibit

Brown: I’m so happy that she’s here and I wanted to come in and take a peek at her work. She has a reputation here. She’s just really stylish, chic.

VonHunke says Cazenovia and Syracuse have always encouraged artistic creativity.
She says Cazenovia Artisans Gallery is excited to celebrate 21 years of showcasing local artists in November.
Whitney Williams, NCC news.

Cazenovia Artisans Gallery where Daphne Verley’s Terra Firma exhibit is on display during August.

CAZENOVIA, N.Y. (NCC News)- A popular artist has returned to Cazenovia to showcase her artwork at the Cazenovia Artisans Gallery.

Artist Daphne Verley, one of the founders of the Cazenovia Artisans Gallery, is the gallery’s featured artist this month. Her exhibit, Terra Firma, officially opened yesterday and will run until August 31.

DeeAnn VonHunke, vice president of the gallery, said she expects visitors from the local Cazenovia community and beyond. She said the gallery will be quite busy this month as Verley’s work is unique and popular throughout Central New York.

“Her art is just like her personality. Vibrant and bubbly,” said VonHunke.

Verley said her Terra Firma exhibit is a compilation of her art through the years.

The Terra Firma exhibit will include totems from her totem collection shown in Paris, France, last September.

“The totem collection acknowledges the incredible support of the women in my life. This collection came about in appreciation of the healing power of women,” explained Verley.

Sue Brown, a Cazenovia resident for 30 years, popped by to see Verley’s exhibit. She said she wants to purchase some of Verley’s artwork to give as gifts to family members.

“We haven’t seen her in a while, but I’m so happy that she’s here,” said Brown. “Her work is just colorful and beautiful.”

VonHunke said Cazenovia Artisans Gallery will be celebrating 21 years of showcasing local artists in November.

Cazenovia plans to expand the artistic community, according to Vonhunke.

“We are hoping to do an artists in residence. There’s a local landlord who has 40 dormitory rooms that were formerly part of Cazenovia college. We are hoping to fill them with artists in residence so they can work and be part of the arts community,” said VonHunke.

She said art continues to thrive in Cazenovia and surrounding communities.

A part of Daphne Verley’s Terra Firma exhibit.

A part of Daphne Verley’s Terra Firma exhibit.