Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Valentina – Flex scheduling will lengthen a student’s class time for a core subject if necessary. The problem is that it could mean less time for the arts. Deputy Superintendent, Pamela Odom, says the districts focus is the foundational classes.

Odom – We’re trying to look at the individual needs of students and give them what they need instead of just giving them a traditional schedule.

Valentina – So, if they need more math time, they will get it. Superintendent Davis says the goal is to get struggling students to the next level.

Davis – The arts are extremely important for many of our students, and we know that we’re not trying to take them away, but we are trying to get better at the foundational pieces so that our students are thriving.

Valentina – Davis says we have to focus on all students in the district not just one or two.

Valentina LaFranca, N-C-C News.

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) – A new scheduling system within the Syracuse City School District is causing concern for some parents.

With the implementation of flex scheduling, a student’s class time for a core subject can be made longer if it is deemed necessary for the student.

Due to the possible extension of minutes in a math or ELA class, students would lose that time in an arts class. The purpose of a flex scheduling is to offer a student more help in their foundational class.

Superintendent Anthony Davis acknowledges the issue, but states what the school is prioritizing.

“The arts are extremely important for many of our students, and we know that we’re not trying to take them away, but we are trying to get better at the foundational pieces so that our students are thriving,” he said.

Deputy Superintendent, Pamela Odom, explains if a there is a student who needs more support in one area, flex schedules will allow for that additional support. If there is a student who is excelling in that area, flex scheduling will also be able to reflect that.

“And that’s why it’s a flex schedule, because it allows you some opportunities to do some different things based on what your particular student needs,” Odom said.

With these Community Conversations you can have one-on-one time with Superintendent Anthony Davis and get all your questions and concerns answered. More of these gatherings will continue throughout the school year.