Sat. Mar 8th, 2025
Tolls prices could officially rise in 2024

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) – The New York State Thruway Authority will be moving forward with its plans to increase toll prices, after a majority vote on December 5th.

Currently, Toll by Mail customers pay 30% higher in toll rates than E-Z pass users. If the price increase proposal goes through that 30% could raise to 75% by 2024. But E-Z Pass users could see a price increase of only 5%.

Drivers, like Colette Van Olden, were not thrilled about the new announcement. She makes the drive from Florida to Syracuse a few times a year to visit family, says Van Olden.

“Normally going just from Miami to Syracuse, I can pay anywhere from 30 to 50 dollars in tolls and that’s just one way,” says Van Olden.

After hearing about the possible increase in pricing Van Olden expressed concerns about the drive becoming too expensive, between gas and tolls prices, for her to make five or six times a year. The toll increase is ridiculous especially without the E-Z pass, says Van Olden.

“It makes you wonder what’s next will the other states increase their tolls too,” says Van Olden.

This proposal comes because the thruway solely relies on toll money to keep up the infrastructure of the highway. It receives no state funding or federal tax dollars, says the New York State Thruway Authority.

The toll price increase could take effect on January 1, 2024.