Bill Cooper, President of Winterfest, has announced that the festivities will be extended to a third week next year.
The annual two-week long festival of celebrations also known as Winter Fest has just wrapped up.
N-C-C News Aylee Weiss says if you had fun this year you’re going to love it next year.Aylee Weiss:
President of Winter Fest, Bill Cooper says this festival encourages families from all across the
country to come out and participate in some fun cold weather activities.Bill Cooper:
The people have a ball, everybody came young or old, just bragged about how great it was.Weiss:
This festival is so beneficial because of what is means to the Central New York economy.Cooper:
The restaurants love it because it brings people into their restaurantsWeiss:
In fact, Winter Fest has become so popular, Cooper says there will be a third week in next years
I had a lot of restaurants ask if we could do another weekWeiss:
With another week of Winter Fest it might help Syracuse winters feel not as long. I’m Aylee Weiss,
N-C-C News.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) — The annual two week long festival of fun winter activities, also known as Winter Fest, has just come to an end, but if you enjoyed this year next year is going to be even better. President of the well known non-profit, Bill Cooper has a lot in store for next year and is very happy with how this year went. He says that Winter Fest encourages families from all across the country, even Canada, to come out and enjoy some fun winter games with each other.
Cooper said, “The people have a ball, everybody came young or old, just bragged about how great it was.”
Along with winter games and free ice skating, the festival has a lot more to offer, like food and drinks! What some may not realize is the strong economic impact it has on Central New York.
“The restaurants love it because it brings people into their restaurants.”
Cooper goes on to say that multiple events sold out no matter the warm, not so wintery weather. It was such a hit this year. Cooper has announced that he and the organization will be extending Winter Fest to a third week next year.
“I had a lot of restaurants ask if we could do another week.”
And Cooper is able to make it happen next year with a lot of fun new activities to partake in. With another week of Winter Fest it might help make these Syracuse winters a little bit more bearable.
Ice rink where free skate is available during Winter Fest.