The lead crisis in Syracuse has lingered for decades without major political action.
LADDIE SPRINGER: Onondanga County Health Department data says its an issue. New York State Health Department data says the same. So how has the lead crisis lasted for 50 years? A prevention advocate at Families For Lead Freedom Now, Oceanna Fair, says that political inaction is the culprit.
OCEANNA FAIR: In that time, there has been no focus, um, to remediate or remove that lead paint, um, in a meaningful way.
SPRINGER: Fair says that the county is not utilizing a resource willing to help, local contractors.
FAIR: We can be getting more of the work done. That is one of the things that, um, Ryan McMahon is saying that we don’t have enough contractors to do the work, that’s simply not true we’re just not helping those smaller contractors be able to do the work.
SPRINGER: Even seemingly trace amounts of lead can have devastating results. For more information, visit leadfreedomc-n-y dot org. Laddie Springer, N-C-C News.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — 2021 data from the Onondaga County Health Department indicated that, in Syracuse, almost 400 children showed elevated blood lead levels. Families For Lead Freedom Now contends that political inaction is the main culprit behind a lead crisis carrying on for over 50 years in Syracuse.
A prevention advocate at the organization, Oceanna Fair, believes prior interventions have been largely ineffective.
“In that time, there has been no focus to remediate or remove that lead paint in any meaningful way,” Fair said.
Local contractors, if given adequate resources from the county, would be willing to help eliminate lead in Syracuse homes.
“We can be getting more of the work done,” Fair said. “That is one of the things that, um, Ryan McMahon is saying that we don’t have enough contractors to do the work, that’s simply not true we’re just not helping those smaller contractors be able to do the work.”
Seemingly trace amounts of lead can have devastating impacts. A child’s cognitive functioning is the first thing to be affected by lead. This can leave them less likely to graduate high school or to work above minimum wage and more inclined to commit crime.
Fair cautions people from stigmatizing lead poisoning, as many families who suffer from the condition did not have the resources to rid their living spaces of lead.
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