Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

LIVERPOOL, N.Y. (NCC News) – To say it’s been an inconsistent Central New York winter would be an understatement.

Since January, conditions have ranged from the upper teens and snowing to 70 degrees and sunny.  There’s also been a little bit of everything in between.

Such was the case Tuesday afternoon, a grim, overcast day with temperatures hovering around the upper 40s/lower 50s. The day truly was the epitome of a roller coaster season weather-wise for the area. The Onondaga Lake Park still had visitors however, and two people in particular gave their thoughts about the weather being a driving force behind how they feel.


Yesterday’s weather told the story of Syracuse’s winter so far. It’s been a mix of hot and cold
“When you look outside and you see that it’s gonna get 60 degrees in early March, it puts you in a good mood,” Tim Schnobrich, a Duluth Minnesota native, said. “If it doesn’t, I don’t think you’re living the right life. Makes you more motivated to get outside and do stuff.”

Sometimes, a nice 60 degree day is all anyone needs.

“I don’t mind the cold weather, I just don’t like 6 months of it,” Schnobrich said. “I’m a nice medium guy, you give me a nice 60 degree day, 70 degrees in the Summer, I’m lovin’ life.”

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a very real thing. Mayo Clinic defines it as “a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons.” Typically, SAD occurs at the same time every year.

“It’s always really dreary here, and obviously having no sunlight makes you feel down,” Jeanette Oleksak, a Syracuse Native, said.

With the generally warmer temperatures, SAD may not have the impact it’s had in the past.

“I feel like it wasn’t that bad this year,” Oleksak said, “I haven’t really had it this year.”

According to 1Weather, temperatures are supposed to stabilize a little bit more heading into this weekend. Now would be a good time to admire the Onondaga Lake before snow potentially falls again.