Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Spring is slipping away and summer is right around the corner. As the weather heats up, so will traffic at public pools in Syracuse, but does the city have enough lifeguards? Over the past few years, the city of Syracuse has had issues filling lifeguard spots at public pools. In 2022, three pools were left unable to open due to a shortage of willing workers. However, Steven Lopes, the manager of Southwest Community Center Pool doesn’t seem worried.

“It’s not too bad,” Lopes said. “I would say it’s a little harder getting the youth want to come out the house and actually work for the city and staff these pools, but it hasn’t been too bad.”

In previous years, the city has removed fees for applications that had once taken an entire paycheck from employees. One move to remove roadblocks to applying for lifeguard positions. So why wouldn’t kids be clamoring to fill these jobs?

“I feel like people really want to enjoy the summer,” Lopes said. They’d rather be doing something else, playing sports, hanging out with friends instead of working. I feel like that’s a big issue.”

Only two of the city’s eight pools are currently open with just over a month to go before the official start of summer. Those two are Southwest Community Center Pool on Syracuse’s west side and valley pool south of the city. Syracuse requires those who apply to be at least 15, swim at least 200 yards and tread water for two minutes. More info is available at