Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Syracuse University announces multiple new on-campus dorms are in the process of being built, including one in the current place of the Marion and Kimmel Halls.


SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Syracuse University announced the addition of two new student housing options in the near future. One residence hall is slated for placement on the corner of Thornden Park, while another is planned for the location currently occupied by Marion and Kimmel halls. Students Gino Antimarino and Jacob Riff say that the change is welcome.

Gino: “My initial reaction was, it’s about time. This building is really starting to starting to crumble a little bit. You can tell by like the architecture stuff that’s just a really old building and you can just tell like things are breaking things are old.”

Jacob: “It’s low-key exciting you know, you look at these two buildings and as you can tell they’re not the most pleasing looking buildings I mean, it’s exciting too cuz you start to just think about like what’s what’s the next plan what’s the new building going to look like and how was that going to change Syracuse.”

The new residence halls are the first dorms to be constructed since the arrival of Ernie Davis hall in 2009. The big question for students? Where does the funding come from.

Gino: “Probably going to come through a tuition they’ll just keep raising it every single year and you know whether it’s through this or through athletics you know they’ll find a way.”

Jacob: “You don’t want to see tuition go up you know, when you check the Bursar every semester you know that’s a that’s a big price to pay. Of course I’m a student so I don’t know what happens on, you know, the bigger picture. like the chancellor knows but you don’t want to see tuition go up so I think I want to see it come from the University itself.

Reporting for NCC News, Arnav Pokhrel

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Syracuse University is in the midst of a housing overhaul, and it continued over the weekend. University administration announced that two new dorm halls would be built on the SU campus, which adds on to two previous housing changes. One of the new buildings is set to be constructed on the corner of Thornden Park and the other one will be taking the place of the already built Marion and Kimmel Halls.

The change seems inevitable for the University, with the defunct Kimmel Food Hall existing as an empty, unused space since the dining area was shut down in 2021. Along with other plans to renovate the Sheraton Hotel and The Marshall Apartments into sophomore housing, SU has shown a great interest in keeping sophomore students near main campus.

Students are worried about the funding of the issue. Sophomore Gino Antimarino says, ” [The Funding] is probably going to come through a tuition. They’ll just keep raising it every single year and whether it’s through this or through Athletics you know they’ll find a way.”

However, other students are finding the bright side of the potential new buildings. Syracuse ROTC member Jacob Riffer says, “It’s low-key exciting you know, you look at these two buildings and they’re not the most pleasing looking buildings. It’s also exciting you start to think, ‘what’s the next plan, what’s the new building going to look like?’ and how that’s going to change Syracuse.”

One thing is for certain—come Fall of 2024, students will have ample options for on-campus living.