Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Dewitt N.Y. (NCC NEWS) – Hospitality Restaurant Group has drafted a plan to open a Taco Bell at 5840 Bridge St. in Dewitt, the building has been vacant since October 2014.

The difficult access to Bridge St. has been a recurring problem for over a decade. Since Mixers Gill closed in 2014 Bridge St. has been widened to include multiple lanes.

“I think the one big factor recently is they widened Bridge Street they made it into more lanes so it has kind of tough access to take a left in there and even though its allowed today, it’s hard to do,” Mike McCracken Director of Real Estate Development at Hospitality Restaurant Group said.

The drafted plan includes a curb cut at Enterprise Parkway perpendicular to Bridge St. They have held both informal and formal meetings with the planning board. 

One reason the plan could be opposed is that Enterprise Parkway is a road with a long curve, which would make the curb cut tough according to McCracken.

Hospitality Restaurant Group says this process will take time, patience, and education on the traffic study according to Jessica Woodburn, the Marketing Director. 

“Any process you go through with a town takes time and a lot of it’s education and patience and once you know Mike gets through with the approval process we’ll know more,” Woodburn said.

If approved this Taco Bell will look similar to the one located on Thompson Road in Dewitt.