Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News/ AP) — A current bill passing through the Legislature would force New York towns to lift post-Prohibition laws.

The bill, currently up for a vote from the state Senate, would remove the 1934 law allowing cities to be completely or partially dry.

There are seven communities in New York that ban alcohol completely. Those towns are: Clymer, Caneadea, Fremont, Jasper, Berkshire, Orwell and Lapeer.

The sponsor behind the bill is arguing that without the booze ban, cities would boost in business growth.

“We definitely lose some business because of it,” said Brittany Gerould, the general manager at Dutch Village restaurant in Clymer. “We try to do wing nights, but of course we can’t have alcohol. We aren’t even open on Saturday nights because they were such a miss.”

On the other hand though, some aren’t in support of the bill passing.

“It gets frustrating when the state hands down mandates, it takes more and more control away from the locals,” said Caneada Deputy Town Supervisor Philip G. Stockin.

Argyle, a town north of Albany, voted to remove the ban not long ago in 2019. Deputy Town Clerk Renee Montero-Kober was one who voted to end the booze ban.

“I do think it’s better now,” she said.