The Onondaga County Office for Aging held the first of two annual public meetings to discuss the needs of senior citizens in Syracuse.
Anthony Leon: As the seasons change, people grow older. However, their needs remain just as important. In Syracuse, the Onondaga County Office for Aging held their first annual public meeting at the Bob Cecile Community Center.
With this discussion, Commissioner JoAnne Spoto Decker is looking to expand the department’s current services while creating policies that better serve senior citizens.
JoAnne Spoto Decker: Our main goal is to get out and get their ideas, get their opinions, see what their needs are, because we have a very diverse population in Onondaga County, particularly among our older adults.
Leon: The Onondaga County Office for Aging provides a plethora of programs for older people in the Syracuse area. At the public meeting here at the Cecile Community Center, many people from all walks of life came to voice their concerns. From accessibility to transportation and technology, the department is looking for ways to improve the quality of life for senior citizens in the Onondaga County community.
Although the department offers plenty of support, the main issues of transportation, technology, and affordable housing, still exist. Decker believes these types of meetings are extremely helpful in letting older people know what’s available.
Decker: We also have a very terrific website but we know that is sometimes not accessible to a lot of our older adults, so we tend to look for the face-to-face.
Leon: If you missed the first forum, the Office for Aging is holding another meeting at the Salina Town Hall on November 9th in Liverpool. Even if you’re not a senior citizen, this information may be important to an older person in your life.
Decker: I think what struck me the most, quite honestly, was the input that everybody had. That was absolutely incredible.
Leon: Reporting in Syracuse, I’m Anthony Leon for NCC News.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – Senior citizens in Syracuse are voicing their concerns, and people are listening.
At the Bob Cecile Community Center, the Onondaga County Office for Aging held the first of two annual public meetings to discuss the biggest challenges that older adults face.
Commissioner JoAnne Spoto Decker believes forums like these are important in spreading awareness about what services are available to older people in the area.
“It’s definitely worth it to get out in the community and meet with people to let them know what [programs] we have,” Decker said.
Although the department currently offers plenty of resources, Decker is looking to create more policies that better serve senior citizens.
With one of the biggest issues being technology, the office is working to increase technology programming for older adults.
“A lot of the senior centers do offer technology classes… so we’re certainly very supportive of that,” Decker said.
If people missed the first meeting, the department is holding another forum at the Salina Town Hall on Nov. 9 in Liverpool.
Decker believes these types of discussions are extremely helpful in getting feedback from the community.
“There was a variety of needs, we had a variety of people here…it was amazing to me,” Decker said.
For more information, visit the Onondaga County Office for Aging website.